Minnesota Master Angler - Everett Knitter


Everett Knitter did, on January 13, 2024, caught and Harvested by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 10.25" / 1 lb Bluegill and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Expert Angler.

Fish Catch Details

  • Angler Name: Everett Knitter
  • Angler Home: Lino Lakes, MN
  • Date of Catch: January 13, 2024
  • County: Crow Wing
  • Lake/River: Blackhoof Lake
  • Species: Bluegill
  • Size: 10.25" / 1 lb
  • Catch Was: Harvested
  • Catch Story: Everett was ice fishing with his mother, father, and brother on Blackhoof Lake on January 13th, 2024. It was a very frigid winter day during an unusually mild winter. Everett and his brother stayed warm in the van while his dad punched hole after hole in the -20 degree windchills to try to find some active fish. After some searching, they set up a pop up shelter on a school of active panfish. Everett caught a handful of 6 to 8 inch bluegills and a random crappie. Then Everett tied into a heavy fish. He fought it up through the ice. When it cleared the hole, Everett's dad shouted, "That's the biggest bluegill I've ever seen!" Everett kept the bluegill and took it to a taxidermist. It is now proudly displayed on his bedroom wall.
  • Witness Name: Benjamin Knitter
  • Witness Home: Lino Lakes, MN

Official Certificate

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