Minnesota Master Angler - DUSTIN TOMOSON


DUSTIN TOMOSON did, on April 9, 2016, caught and Released by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 30" / 10 lb Walleye and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Master Angler.

Fish Catch Details

  • Angler Name: DUSTIN TOMOSON
  • Angler Home: ALEXANDRIA, MN
  • Date of Catch: April 9, 2016
  • County: Koochiching
  • Lake/River: Rainy River
  • Species: Walleye
  • Size: 30" / 10 lb
  • Catch Was: Released
  • Catch Story: We had fished for about a week in search of the elusive 30" Walleye. We were pulling crank baits in the middle of the river when this tank hit my crank bait. When the fish hit, i told my buddy that it was a good one so he put the anchor lock on. A few seconds later, he had one strike his crank bait but the fish got off after a few cranks. The fish that i had on was taking line and i was not gaining any ground on it, so my buddy took off the anchor lock so we could catch up to the fish because of the river current being about a mile per hour. I steadily cranked my reel to keep up to the fish. When the fish surfaced next to the boat, my buddy said this one is the 30" fish we have been looking for. He landed it perfectly in the net and when we had it unhooked he placed it on the board and sure enough it was right on 30". We snapped a few photos and released the fish to be caught another day. This was my first 30" walleye.
  • Witness Name: Jason Carter
  • Witness Home: Hazen, ND

Official Certificate

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