Minnesota Master Angler - Aiden Copple


Aiden Copple did, on June 1, 2019, caught and Harvested by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 15" Crappie - Black and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Master Angler.

Fish Catch Details

  • Angler Name: Aiden Copple
  • Angler Home: Omaha, NE
  • Date of Catch: June 1, 2019
  • County: Otter Tail
  • Lake/River: Clear
  • Species: Crappie - Black
  • Size: 15"
  • Catch Was: Harvested
  • Catch Story: Casting for Crappie in the weeds with a minnow.
  • Witness Name: Justin copple
  • Witness Home: Omaha, NE

Official Certificate

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