Minnesota Master Angler - Hunter Robertson


Hunter Robertson did, on July 10, 2019, caught and Released by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 44" Muskellunge and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Master Angler.

Fish Catch Details

  • Angler Name: Hunter Robertson
  • Angler Home: Kensington, MN
  • Date of Catch: July 10, 2019
  • County: Douglas
  • Lake/River: Oscar
  • Species: Muskellunge
  • Size: 44"
  • Catch Was: Released
  • Catch Story: It was a rainy day when Hunter caught this fish. We were on and off the lake trolling three different times to dodge storms. We were trolling crankbaits over baitfish in 25 Feet of water when a thick 44" Musky hit Hunters Depth raider. This fish put up a big fight for Hunter, I new it would be his new Biggest Fish. I (dad) had to grab the back of Hunters life Jacket because I was worried the fish was going to pull him overboard. The musky gave Hunter a good show it jumped right when it was boat side before dad netted it.
  • Witness Name: Matt Robertson
  • Witness Home: Kensington, MN

Official Certificate

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